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November 21, 2011


Danee Kaplan

Oh, Ms. Janet, how I wish I still lived in Lubbock Texas….we would craft together…often. I have the exact same jars of MS paint from Home Depot just waiting to be used. I was planning on using them for my SheArt2projects or Paper Dolls as I call my work. Now that I have read about "December Daily" literally on 2 random sites, yours, Rhonna's, Heidi's and Ali's (in desperation to find out what this DD was all about) I guess I am going to have to join in. Thanks for sharing your book with us. I am going to try to make my own but will probably end up back here to purchase your gorgeous set- I too have deep weakness for grey right now.

Shari K

Okay - I am behind the 8 ball, as usual. I didn't see your other post about your DD book. It's beautiful!! Miss you and my other Texas friends!

Nancy Wyatt

I love office supplies too! I have a stash of adhesive backed pockets that my office was going to throw out, can you believe! A full box and so those puppies came home with me and I love using them here and there. Totally forgot about them, thanks for reminding me! Thanks for sharing all your greatness with us Janet!


i agree about the christmas lights...too early!
i have seen way too many christmas trees lit up from inside the homes... halloweenthanksgivingchristmas are beginning to smear into one holiday! i think NO...lol

loving your dd album...gorgeous!

office supplies

This is such beautiful crafting! In my spare time, I love to create what I call " masterpieces " ( I use that term loosely )using similar supplies. If only I could duplicate something as gorgeous as the above-I would make Christmas cards for everyone in the office this year! Happy holidays!

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