and much better I might add! I have taken a break from the blog world to take care of some much needed health issues and have stumbled upon something I am truly passionate about in the process so I call that a win win!
So many people have called, texted, emailed, and private messaged me and for that I am ever so grateful! Your words have meant the world to me and are really the only reason I am updating the blog today. Everyone has asked what I am up to and about the kiddos so here is a recap. It's been so long it is hard to know where to start.
As most everyone knows that has visited the blog before knows that I have Lupus, Fibromyalgia and Sjogren's Syndrome and most days to even get out of bed was a struggle. I was dealing with joint pain, stomach issues, migraines and severe fatigue. At one point I was taking upwards of 18 pills a day and nothing was helping so I knew I needed to make a change and it had to be quick. Fast forward to January of this year when a friend suggested a product called Plexus to me. It was something I had never heard of so I went to work researching it (secretly in the back of my mind I was trying to dig up why I shouldn't take it) but I took a sample of the product from her and thought I would try it just to help her out. Ha! Three days later my joint pain was gone and I had an increased energy level that I had not seen for at least five years. I was sleeping through the night and could function during the day. If you have or know someone that has struggled with issues like these you would know how huge this is. So needless to say I have jumped in and I am enjoying helping other people live pain free, get healthy and lose weight if that is their goal.
But...I have not abandoned the scrap world! I am still designing behind the scenes it is just not my primary focus right now. My primary focus turned to getting healthy for my kids and husband and now I am truly loving spreading the word and helping others. The kiddos are also loving having their Mom back and actually participating in the things they do instead of watching from the sidelines.
Taylor will be a junior in high school when school starts again, McKinley is starting middle school, Jake will be a 3rd grader and Blakely aka Princess will start kindergarten!! Can you believe how much they have grown?
Taylor turned 16 and is have been warned!!!
I have promised a few people (you know who you are) that I will try to update the blog from time to time and I enjoy that people are still using it as a resource for project inspiration through pinterest.
If you have any questions you can comment below or email me and I promise I will get back to you as quickly as I can!